CO2 is a gas of life for all plants on planet Earth. Greenhouse mаrijuana growers understood that for decades and along with light, soil nutrients and heat have been using CO2 to increase plant productivity. CO2 not only increases plant size and its potency, but high levels of CO2, 1000 - 1500ppm, make plants much more stress and disease resistant. Those who fight CO2 - fight the life on Earth. Plants, as a basic and most prevalent form of life on Earth, give the possibility to exist to all other forms of life on this planet, foremost to animal life, including people.
Human role in temperature changes on Earth is negligible. Our magnificent star, the Sun, going through its cycles, plays a crucial role in how warm or how cool Earth is during a given period. We, as humanity, are lucky to be where we are in the current phase of climate cycle, e.g. the inter-glacial period. Glacial vs. inter-glacial periods time proportion is 90% to 10%, so for the past 10 thousand years, after Younger Dryas period, we were in this shorter inter-glacial period that is unfortunately likely coming to an end. Global cooling with subsequent fall into a deep and prolonged glacial period represents much greater danger to humans and all of life on planet than global warming. But the real danger right now is pollution and wastefulness in using the precious resources of this planet. But we don't hear about it much for some reason from UN, European Commission and other international organizations pursuing goals of reducing population through the control of the gas of life - CO2.
The real solution to energy problems for humanity lies in Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) technology, previously called cold fusion, and ambient energy derived by Earth movement through energy field described by XIX century science as ether, that was demonstrated in multiple experiments conducted by Nikola Tesla. Serious research in both of these directions is strongly suppressed or made secret today, since both of these energy sources would allow not only for cheap, almost free energy, but would make energy production highly distributed, with no need for centralized production, control and distribution of energy. It is not IF, but WHEN these technologies will come to mass use - that will change not only energy systems, but a political and social world order. Perhaps that is what globalist elites are fearing in the near future and making everything possible to bring everyone on the planet into a digital slavery, before they lose control of energy distribution that is much more important as control mechanism even when compared to money.
Yes, Tesla was speaking of free energy for all of humanity. Greed did not let it happen. That sentence of yours "Those who fight CO2 - fight the life on Earth" is saing everything , it is extra shared by me, plus the whole text. Looking forward to more of your texts.
Agreed on all points, except on the difficult to master topic of THE real solution to energy problems for humanity. The other day, someone posted another intriguing claim about the solution to humanity's energy problems in this group of tweets, , and that makes just two of a number of voices, most of them strongly convinced in their own truth. It's impossible to judge what is right without looking at detailed arguments, that are typically lacking, or diffuse.