потрясающая фотография: два идиота, два переводчика и два государственных деятеля.

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Very interesting article. Not convinced though the SMO was planned and executed in order to provide Russia with a favorable position at the NWO-Great Reset negotiating table. Don't see how anyone setting policy in Russia could even in theory have believed this before the start of the SMO, which seems undeniably having a rather totally counterproductive effect. Although I agree the conduct of the SMO raises eyebrowse, I still would argue that many clues point to the fact the existential threat to Russia was real and the stated goals concerning Ukraine are legitimate.

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Why all the Azov regiment soldiers (215 in total), along with their commanders and those among them who confessed to committing crimes against civilians were returned ?

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This was the deal struck when they (Azov regiment) stopped resistance in Mariupol and surrendered. Not for nothing Ukrainians called this operation not surrender, but extraction and evacuation. On the Russian side they were eager to declare victory in Mariupol, so they agreed to such arrangement.

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But following the Samarkanda meeting and the recent speech from Putin, it doesn't look the Putin and his circle bother too much of the future of this war, a part from not loosing it

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Not talking about it, doesn't mean not caring. Losing the war is not only dangerous for Russia because of external reasons, but foremost internal ones. Whole clan of Romanoffs in Russia did show themselves very patriotically during the WWI, to the point of self-sacrifice, something we don't see among Russian elites today, but they didn't survive the losses at the front. Same applies to Putin's ruling circle, except that people are going to have even less sympathy for them than they had for Romanoffs, if they lose this war. Remember 1917.

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What did he say or/and show?

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If u mean Putin speech in Samarkand and during the ceremony, he spoke about the war but he was most focused on Western lies and criminal activities, from terror to coups to propaganda and Nato illegal expansion, in the last 75 years.

On the other side I'm saying he does care much more to build a strong Eurasia more than resolve problems with nazi westerns as we are...

And to me he's absolutely right: West is on the edge of its own end as it is, the Empire will fall as always have been in all history

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Putin "created a war to further the Great Reset" to be invited to "the table with those who will be defining the future state of the world"!? Even though no one promised him anything, Vova is hopeful! Why should he care who will be at that table? Why does Klaus care? How many years do they expect to live? If anyone understands why these people, war mongers, the Great Resetters, destroyers of small business...are doing what they are doing, I would appreciate an explanation.

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Motivations are different. Both, Putin and Schwab like the power. Power is very addictive, more so than money, drugs or alcohol. But the leading motivation factors are different for Putin and Schwab, I think. Putin is not an ideologue. He simply wants to be accepted into a circle of the super powerful ones around the world. Did you see his picture when he was a child? Underdeveloped, puny kid that for sure had a problem fitting in with the future alpha males on his city block. But eventually he managed to do it. Joining KGB probably was based on the same motivation for him as for many young man in US to join police force - gives them

extra power over people. Schwab is a different matter - pedigreed elitist that was brought up with a sense that only select people like him have the right to rule over and to indoctrinate others. People like that can't change - lust for power and assurance in self superiority is inbreed in them.

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Thanks a lot.

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Thanks for your support, Vlad!

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